Top 10k strings from Marty Shortwood Letterwriter - Deluxe Edition (19xx)(-).z80
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2 D*"MS_LETTER" 1 LETTER j 1 ;"Reciprient's surname? "; 1 ;"Prizm PeeDee, Rugby.": 1 ;"Deluxe Edition"; 1 ;"Any similarity of characters in this simulation and actual char-acters, either alive or dead, ispurely co-incidentail and unin- tentional." 1 ;" The Marty Shortwood Letterwriter"' 1 '"Dear ""Mr"" ";B$;","'' 1 "we now have SOLLID PROOF of your underhand dealing's.","I refuse to make an apollogy for my so called ""abuse"".","I expect you will confir with THE OTHER mudslingers before replying.","it is now easy to see that you are tryeing to sully my reputasion.","you have gone far inough.","we are only acting in SELF DEFFENCE." 1 "no less than eight people (who will remain anonymus) have now","no customers of Prizm have recently","you yourself in the last issue of AlchNews","nobody has EVER, to my knolege,","certin readers of PeeDee Power","its only you that has ever" 1 "complained of a slow service from Prizm.","decided to campagn against my GOOD NAME.","admited to having INVENTED these lyes.","seemed so intent on under-mining Prizm.","acted so offstandish.","put such a slur on my caracter." 1 "a FULL APOLLOGY apears in the next AlchNews.","you retrat your FALSE statemence.","you allow me to distribute you're programs.","ALL righters of the magazene send individgal apollogys.","it NEVER hapens agen.","you do not VIOLLATE my privacy." 1 "Your's sincerly, MS.","Your's faithfuly, MS.","Sined, MS.","You'res sinserely, MS.","Your's truely, MS.","Your fathfully, MS." 1 "Your claims are frankly RIDICULUOS, especialy since","The Hall of Shame article was entirely false because","Rest assured I will NOT let this matter drop - after all,","This time you have gone to far;","Your unresponsable actions mean that","As I said LAST TIME," 1 "This letter is copywrite and may NOT be reproduced in any form.","I theirfore DEMAND an apollogy for the aformensioned remmarks.","You have obviously acted out of PURE SPITE.","My soliciters will recieve a photo copy of you're libelious article.","I do not know were you got the ideer that I cannot spel.","An apollogy is theirfour in order." 1 "No doubt you will try to conseal you're actions, but","You're slanderous comments in AlchNews were purely fabrications and","Prizm solicitors have been notified of your UNWARANTED ATACK on my caracter, so","I have been scent a copy of the last AlchNews, so","We have allways been awere of the abusive content of you're articles, but","Despite your last letter," 1 "I expecked a reply WITH IN 2 WEEKS.","The ball is now in you're court.","You are clarted up to the eye-balls in mud.","May be you will think twice next time Mr "+B$+".","So don't think you're self so clever Mr "+B$+"!","So who is the fool now Mr "+B$+"?" 1 "A FULL RIPORT on your activity's will be printed in the next PeeDee Power unless","If you wish to avoid LEGAL ACTION, I insissed that","I am willing to over-look this one instants provided that","However, I agree to avoid caught action if","Theirfor make sure that","So in future see that"